Wanda N. Cooper

Financial Advisor

Wanda Cooper joined Financial Resource Management, Inc. in 1997, with 18 years of banking industry experience, formerly serving as a vice president and manager of multiple bank branches.

With decades of financial services experience, Wanda understands the life transitions that clients go through. She is a co-author with Greg Hicks of It’s Your Money…It’s Your Future…Don’t Blow It!, a book that explains and simplifies everyday financial issues. She is a recognized voice and feature of our radio show for 17 years.

In addition to her professional life, Wanda enjoys time with her family, and serves on various community advisory boards. She volunteers with several charities and ministries, with a love of helping others in need, most recently volunteering time to help with hurricane relief efforts. Her key interest is to help women and children.

Wanda holds her FINRA Series 7,6, 63 and 65 licenses and serves as a financial advisor with Capital Investment Group, Inc. She is licensed in North Carolina for life, health, long-term care and disability insurance. Wanda is also affiliated with Capital Investment Advisory Services, LLC.

Get in touch with Wanda (Greg or Bo):


